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Mary and Daniel Stahl

Pastor Mary Stahl


Mary Stahl, helps her husband pastor The Palms Community Church in Brandon, Florida and is a hidden treasure within the body of Christ.  Packaged in the exterior of a dynamic pastor's wife, mother of a special needs child, and anointed women's speaker, Mary's true identity is found in encouraging others to live for Christ, walk in grace, and above above all else, finishes the race that has been set before them.


Mary was born in Richmond, VA, but has spent most of her life in Brandon, Fla.  She is a graduate of Southeastern University and volunteers full time in ministry running the day to day business of the church, maintaining the website, overseeing the ladies ministry, and even preaching the word some Sunday's at The Palms.   Her passion is in small group ministry and ladies ministry, and helping people create vision boards and walk in their purposes. She enjoys working side by side with her husband as his support and helper in ministry.


Many years ago, after a stressful season of life, God began to show her what it meant to make a house a home, smooth out the waves that are encountered in a blended family, and take care of her heart.  With the help of mentors, a counselor, and great friends, she walked through healing to wholeness and has developed a passion for other women and families to experience the newness and freedom that only a purposed plan and touch from God can accomplish.


She believes that God has given her a mandate to encourage others to "Above all else, guard your heart for out of it flows the well springs of life".  As a result, MiDestiny Center and Mary speaks to groups, churches and host confernces and workshops that help and aide men and women with the tools they need to discover their passions, gifts, and destiny.


Mary uses her passion, humor, and gifting, to communicate her commitment to this call in small groups, conferences, and weekly services. It is through The Palms Community Church and many other arenas that she is making an impact for the kingdom of God.


Pastor Mary

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